
The titular beast has awoken

Though you try to refute it

Every cell in your body tells

Cue the thunder

Cue the lighting

She thuds slowly in

With only one sentence bellowing

Feed the man!

Never mind your slumber

Feed the man!

Never mind his own hands

Feed the man!

The man has got to work

Feed the man!

Dab his chin and grab his sippy cup

Feed the man!

The man is king, and you his servant,

Feed the man!

Add salt and pepper to his ego

Feed the man!

Clean his briefcase and shine his shoes

Feed the man!

For he would reward you, with a satisfied sigh. 

Feed the man! 

Top up the plate to brim, 

Perhaps he would grace you 

with sumptuous leftovers

No one would feed you, 

You better glean what you can 

as you feed the man! 

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