Balderdash: The tale of an incompetent head of household.

incompetence, incompetent men, head of house, absent dad, deadbeat

The head of the house

had a sweet old mouth,

that he only used for whining.

The murmur and the grumbles,

were a loop of early morning tunes,

at all the passersby and the young children.

He would tell tall tales of victory,

of a back in the day that only him had witnessed.

You see, the head of the house had hurt his spine,

so he wasn't straight for leading,

but with the sweet old mouth, he could make demands.

For his taste was that of heavy lifting,

for the mother would toil.,

and the daughters would cry,

but the head of the house went mute.

When the children stopped listening, 

and the passerby stopped passing,

the head of the house was alone,

lost between the truth and his memories.

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